Apr 28, 2012

Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowships Program (API – Fellowships Program)

Website : http://www.api-fellowships.org

About Us

The API Fellowships Program is a regional program. There is one academic designated institution in each participating country (called Partner Institution) that operates as a secretariat of the Program within the country. API Executive Committee consists of representatives from Partner Institutions oversees its administration in consultation with The Nippon Foundation.
The Nippon Foundation

The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization that was founded in 1962. It supports projects both in Japan and overseas. It funds activities in three areas: social welfare and volunteer support, maritime research and development, and overseas cooperative assistance. Grant assistance is made for selected programs and projects initiated and conducted by non-profit organizations, NGOs, and international organizations worldwide.

The Nippon Foundation
International Program Department
1-2-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8404 Japan
URL: http://www.nippon-foundation.or.jp/eng/
Tel: +81-3-6229-5181
Fax: +81-3-6229-5180
E-mail: api@ps.nippon-foundation.or.jp

Indonesia Research Center for Regional Resources, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PSDR-LIPI)
Widya Graha, 9th Floor, Jl. Gatot, Subroto, No. 10, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
Contact Persons: Dr. John Haba / Dr. Yekti Maunati
Tel: +62-21-522-4667 / 525-1542 ext. 680
Fax: +62-21-522-4667 / 570-1232
E-mail: darahkubiru@yahoo.com / yektim@yahoo.com