The violent period of transition from the Dutch colonial government to indigenous rule in 1945-1949, the period of democratic trials—the so-called guided democracy of president Soekarno in 1950s—and the following period after failed coup in 1965, made great impact on the Chinese population group in Indonesia. The Chinese minority felt insecure as their future position in the new republic was unclear: were they Chinese nationals, or Indonesian Chinese or Chinese with a Dutch passport? After independence, the Indonesian government, natives and the Chinese minority were not quite ready to face one another. The policies were developed stood on the shaky ground of nationalism and actually created instability. The regulation indicated that neither assimilation and nor integration was the real objective of the government. Numerous suffered the destruction of property, if not physical violence. These unhappy situations encouraged them to seek refuge outside Indonesia. As a result of this, the Chinese exodus occurred to Mainland, Taiwan, European countries and elsewhere. The situation continued until the late 1960s. Focus to those who returned to Taiwan, the paper tries to delve into the motives for leaving Indonesia, the survival strategy, and the form of identity among these people